Joint venture develops Mexican gold-copper project

Photo: Kootenay Silver

Vancouver-based Kootenay Silver has an-nounced that the Aztec-Kootenay joint venture completed the first 14 holes totaling 2,810.6 metres of the current 5,000-metre, 22-hole phase 2 reverse circulation (RC) drill program at the Cervantes gold-copper property located in Mexico’s Sonora State.


“Drill samples were shipped to the Bureau Veritas Minerals laboratory in Hermosillo for geochemical analysis and results are anticipated in the next several weeks,” Kootenay Silver said in a statement.


After drilling is completed, the companies’ geologists are to “turn their attention to channel sampling and geologic mapping of the newly cut drill roads at California, California Norte and Jasper, as well as to expand surface sampling and mapping on the property in general to continue the 2021 Phase 1 surface program,” according to the state-ment.