Miner eyes higher gold production at planned Brazilian project

Photo: G Mining Ventures
Photo: G Mining Ventures

Canadian company G Mining Ventures has announced the results of its 2022 feasibility study on the development of the To-cantinzinho gold project in Brazil’s Para state.


The miner said in a statement the study updates the project’s mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates, and also comprises a re-sequenced mine plan, refined mill designs, as well as updated current capital and operating cost estimates.


The company’s new feasibility study “confirms robust economics for a low cost, large scale, conventional open pit mining and milling op-eration, with industry leading operating costs and high rate of return. The Study outlines total gold production of 1.8 million gold ounces over 10.5 years, resulting in an average annual gold production pro-file of 174,700 ounces with an All-In-Sustaining Cost … per ounce of $681,” G Mining Ventures said.