Canadian miner to launch exploration program at gold project

Photo: Maritime Resources
Photo: Maritime Resources

Toronto-based Maritime Resources has an-nounced the launch of its 2022 exploration program at the Ham-merdown gold project in the Baie Verte Mining District of Newfound-land and Labrador, Canada.


“This year's initial exploration program is centred around our existing Hammerdown and Orion deposits. We believe there is tremendous potential to add new resources in several untested areas adjacent to our 2020 Preliminary Economic Assessment project design," said Garett Macdonald, the miner’s president and CEO, as quoted in a statement.


“In 2021, we initiated the largest drill program in the Company's his-tory with 40,000 metres planned across our 400 km2 property pack-age. Over 25,000 m of diamond drilling were completed during the year from that program and assay results from 25 drill holes are ex-pected to be received later this month,” according to Macdonald.