Joint venture advances Mexican gold, copper, molybdenum project

Photo: Aztec Minerals
Photo: Aztec Minerals

Vancouver-based miner Kootenay Silver has com-municated that Aztec Minerals, its joint venture partner on the Cer-vantes property in Mexico, has reported a broad, high grade, gold intercept in the first RC drill hole.


Aztec Minerals says Cervantes is a porphyry gold-copper-molyb-denum property located some 160 km east of Hermosillo, in the state of Sonora.


“This is the first hole in the California target in the current program and represents a significant step out from a previous fence of holes that established a broad area of shallow oxide gold mineralization. The best hole from which graded a drill length of 160 meters of 0.77 gpt Au, 0.13% copper and 3.4 gpt silver,” Kootenay Silver said in a statement.


“The Phase 2 RC drill program at Cervantes is focussed on expand-ing previously drilled California zone by completing two drill hole fences parallel to and on either side of the 2017-18 Phase 1 drill hole fence. To-date, every hole drilled at California has intersected near surface, oxidized gold mineralization with minor copper oxides,” the statement said.