Miner advances Mexican gold, silver project

Photo: Sierra Madre
Photo: Sierra Madre

Vancouver-based Sierra Madre Gold and Sil-ver has announced that a second core rig was recently deployed to its Tepic silver-gold project in Nayarit, Mexico.


“This second rig is smaller and more portable than the first while maintain-ing the depth capacity and large core diameter that the Company requires. The decision to mobilize a second rig is a result of the success of the trenching program which has identified several additional drill targets,” the miner said in a statement.


“The new rig will focus on newly identified targets in undrilled areas within the Tepic land package. The areas of Taunas and Astassi are located mul-tiple kilometers away from the Central area, which contains all previous drilling. Once complete, the rig will then move to the company's La Tigra Gold Silver project for the Phase 1 drilling program,” according to the state-ment.


Sierra Madre Gold and Silver says it is focused on the acquisition, explo-ration and development of the Mexico-based Tepic and La Tigra proper-ties.