Australia-focused miner releases update on gold-copper deposit

Photo: Greatland Gold
Photo: Greatland Gold

Greatland Gold has obtained positive results at the Havieron gold-copper deposit in the Paterson region of Western Aus-tralia, and communicated them in a recently released mineral re-source updated.


The update states the Australia-focused miner reported a 53 pecent increase in the project’s total gold content to 5.5 million oz, and also a 63 percent increase in its indicated mineral resource to 3.1 million oz, according to a statement issued by Greatland Gold.


Shaun Day, the CEO of Greatland Gold, said that the latest "Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve update represents a considerable in-crease on that which was defined in the Stage 1 PFS. The update has unearthed further aspects of the Havieron system and validates that Havieron is a world class deposit with significant growth poten-tial. Through an independently verified analysis, the total Mineral Re-source at Havieron has increased to 6.5M oz of gold equivalent, an increase of almost 50% in 10 months of drilling."


Greatland Gold says it is a mining development and exploration com-pany focused on precious and base metals.