Zimbabwean miner invests $40M to expand mining capacities

Photo: Sibanye Stillwater
Photo: Sibanye Stillwater

Zimbabwean miner Mimosa Mining has announced it invested a total of US$40 million with the aim to increase mine life and production capacity of platinum group metals in the six-month period that ended on 31 December 2021.


“Capital expenditure increased by 25 percent to US$40 million from US$32 million during the previous quarter as spending on the plant opti-misation project accelerated and studies on the North Hill life-of-mine ex-tensions were completed,” the miner said, as quoted by news site Al-lAfrica.com.


Mimosa Mining is jointly owned by South Africa’s Impala Platinum Hold-ings, which is also known as Implats, and Sibanye Stillwater. The com-pany operates within the Wedza geological complex on the Zimbabwean Great Dyke, according to data released by Impala Platinum Holdings.