Miner reports positive results at Mexican gold-silver project

Photo: Capitan Mining
Photo: Capitan Mining

Vancouver-based Capitan Mining has reported the lat-est exploration results from the Jesús María silver zone at the company’s Cruz de Plata project in Durango, Mexico.


The miner said in a statement the obtained results confirm a continuity of high-grade silver mineralisation at depth. In addition to this, a new zone of gold-silver mineralization was discovered north of the Jesus Maria sil-ver zone.


“The Jesus Maria (JM) Silver Zone is located approximately 280m to the northeast of the Capitan's Oxide Gold deposit on its 100% owned Cruz de Plata Project. It has been traced by surface trenching and diamond drilling over a strike length of 750m and to a depth of 150m, with the ma-jority of drilling focused over 250m strike length and less than 100m below surface,” according to the statement.