Canadian gold miner suspends Russian operations

Photo: Kinross
Photo: Kinross

New decision Amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Canada’s Kinross Gold Corporation has decided to suspend its operations in the Rus-sian market. The company said in a statement it is “deeply concerned about the loss of life and destruction in Ukraine.”


The miner “is suspending all activities at its Udinsk development pro-ject. The Company is also in the process of suspending operations at its Kupol mine, with the focus on the safety and well-being of its more than 2,000 employees and in recognition of its obligations to manage and mitigate the mine's environmental impact on an ongoing basis,” according to the statement.


With the aim to help the conflict’s victims, Kinross has pledged to do-nate some US$1 million to the Canadian Red Cross Ukraine Human-itarian Crisis Appeal.


Kinross is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE).