Kinross pours first gold at Chilean project

Photo: Kinross
Photo: Kinross

Progress on investment Canada’s Kinross Gold Corporation has unveiled its La Coipa project in Chile reached a significant milestone and poured its first gold bar.

The project began commissioning at its plant last month on schedule and under budget. The plant is expected to ramp up it activities over the next few months to secure full operating capacity in mid-2022, the Canadian business said in a statement.

“Thanks to the hard work and contributions of our team in Chile, we were able to reach this important milestone and pour our first gold bar at La Coipa,” said J. Paul Rollinson, the president and CEO of Kin-ross.

“At year-end 2021, Kinross increased La Coipa’s expected life of mine production by 45% to approximately 1 million Au eq. oz. by in-corporating the nearby Puren pit into the project and optimizing the Phase 7 mine plan. The project’s life of mine estimate was also ex-tended from 2024 to 2026,” according to the statement.