Gold miner reports positive drilling results

Photo: Osisko
Photo: Osisko

Toronto-based Osisko Mining has released new an-alytical results from the ongoing drill programme at the company’s Wind-fall gold project in the Abitibi greenstone belt in Canada’s Québec.


Commenting on the latest results, John Burzynski, the chief executive of-ficer of Osisko Mining, said in a statement that the “Lynx infill and expans-ion drill programs continue to impress with respect to both high-grade and width. A third of today’s intercepts are greater than an ounce per ton gold and a third are greater than five meters in length. Drilling at Windfall remains focused on Lynx and other strategic areas.”


The Toronto-based miner said that the significant new analytical results it presented include 50 intercepts in 27 drill holes, including two from sur-face, 25 from underground, as well as 8 wedges.