Gold miner to launch drilling programme

Photo: Tombill Mines
Photo: Tombill Mines


Canada’s Tombill Mines has announce it will begin its phase 2A drilling program in mid-April. Drilling company For-age FTE Drilling has been contracted to carry out about 3,000 metres of diamond drilling that is to probe multiple targets identified by the miner on two of its properties, Tombill Mines said in a statement.


The business says it is a gold exploration company and owns four properties, including two past-producing mines, in the Geraldton gold mining district in Canada’s Ontario state.


Ron Burk, the company’s strategic advisor and the head of explora-tion and geology, said that the “drill targets identified on the Main Group and Tombill Mine claim groups are defined on geological struc-tures which elsewhere in the Geraldton district have been shown to control the formation of gold ore bodies. Shear zones along iron for-mations and shallowly plunging fold closures developed in the sedi-mentary sequences intruded by felsic porphyry bodies are viewed as being high-potential targets.”