Marvel Discovery expands presence around Canadian uranium property

Photo: Marvel Discovery
Photo: Marvel Discovery

Vancouver-based Marvel Discovery has announced it re-cently signed an option agreement to purchase two large claim groups, potentially positioning the miner in a highly advantageous po-sition along the Key Lake uranium project’s fault that adjoins both Cameco and Fission's property boundaries.


“The project lies within the Wollaston-Mudjactic Transition Zone … of the eastern Athabasca Basin which is host to the highest-grade ura-nium mines in the world including,” Marvel Discover said in a state-ment.


“The Walker Property, second claim group covers an area of 10,595 ha and is contiguous to Fission 3.0 Hobo Lake uranium properties. Hosted within WMTZ, the Walker Property lies along the Key Lake Shear Zone and hosts 10 uranium showings and multiple unexplored EM targets. Both properties are easily accessible by highway. Explo-ration to date on the Properties has been limited,” according to the statement.