Canadian miner to invest in Mexican gold-copper projects

Photo: Torex Gold
Photo: Torex Gold

Toronto-based Torex Gold Resources has re-leased an updated technical report for the company’s Morelos Com-plex, which comprises an integrated life of mine plan and economics for the El Limón Guajes mine complex, and the development stage Media Luna project, all located in Mexico.


The Morelos Complex entails a cumulative cash flow of US$ 1.418 billion and an after-tax net present value (NPV) of US$ 1.04 billion at a 5 percent discount rate, the Canadian business said in a statement. For Media Luna, the after-tax NPV with the same discount rate is US$ 458 million.


Torex Gold Resources says that, with the aim to develop and bring the Medial Luna project into commercial production, the miner will be required to invest some US$ 848 million, according to the statement.