Drilling progresses at Turkish gold-silver mine

Photo: Ariana Resources
Photo: Ariana Resources

Project advances London-based miner Ariana Resources has reported an update on the mine development programme underway at the Tavsan gold and silver mine in Turkey.

Ariana owns a 23.5 percent stake in the project which is operated by Zenit Madencilik San. ve Tic. A.S. in partnership with Proccea Con-struction Co. and Ozaltin Holding A.S.

Between last December and this March, more than 3,900 metres of resource drilling were completed at the Turkish mine which is target-ing a production of up to 30,000 oz of gold per year over an eight-year period, Ariana Resources said in a statement.

Kerim Sener, the company’s managing director, said that the “Tavsan mine development programme is advancing at pace, and activities across the project are ramping up significantly as the project is pro-gressed towards construction.”

“The latest Tavsan drilling programme experienced some delays due to exceptionally bad weather conditions and the decision to increase the scope of the programme as it proceeded. As a result, Zenit has now completed almost double the drilling metres that had been planned previously and successfully brought the programme to a close,” he said.