Miner considers selling NSR stake in Argentinian lithium project

Photo: TNR Gold
Photo: TNR Gold

Canada’s TNR Gold says it is considering strategic options for the sale of a portion of the company’s net smelter returns (NSR) royalty involving the Mariana lithium project in Argentina.


The latest development comes after, last October, TNR Gold an-nounced that International Lithium Corp. had announced the comple-tion of the sale of its remaining 8.58% stake in Litio Minera Argentina S.A., the owner of the Mariana lithium project, to Ganfeng Lithium.


“The deal included confirmation that Ganfeng's subsidiary, Litio Min-era Argentina, would assume all rights or obligations that ILC had in respect of the Mariana property. TNR Gold holds a 2.0% net smelter returns … royalty on the Mariana Lithium Project,” the Vancouver-based firm said in a statement.


“TNR wishes to work constructively and co-operatively with Litio Min-era Argentina, as it relates to TNR's possible sale of a portion of the NSR royalty not subject to any buy-back rights of Litio Minera Argen-tina,” the statement said.