Miner advances drilling at Fiji project

Photo: Lion One Metals
Photo: Lion One Metals

North Vancouver-based Lion One Metals has reported that the company’s “ongoing drilling has returned multiple high grade intercepts, significantly extended the drill-confirmed verti-cal extent of Deep Feeder Zone 500, and further confirmed the alka-line deposit model and depth potential” of its Tuvatu alkaline gold pro-ject in Fiji.


“The latest drilling at Tuvatu extends Deep Feeder Zone 500 approx-imately 300 meters below the base of the current resource, with two further holes intersecting high grade mineralization an additional 350m deeper, demonstrating vertical continuity of the Tuvatu gold system of at least 1,150m,” the Canadian business said in a state-ment.


“The recent drilling comprised 11 drill holes for 9113.4 meters of drill-ing,” according to Lion One Metals.


The Tuvatu alkaline gold project in located on Fiji’s island of Viti Levu. Lion One Metals says it envisions a low-cost high-grade underground gold mining operation at the asset.