Peruvian miner secures all permits for gold, silver project

Photo: Buenaventura
Photo: Buenaventura

Peru’s precious metals mining company Compañia de Minas Buenaventura has announced that its San Ga-briel gold-silver mine project recently received the approval of the Pe-ruvian government for all required permits. This allows Buenaventura to immediately launch mining project construction, development and exploitation, the company said in a statement.


“Buenaventura has begun upon permit confirmation the initial con-struction of related infrastructure for mine site civil earthworks, for the maintenance of the electric transmission lines, and of mining site housing facilities for approximately 2,000 workers. Initial works are expected to be completed by the end of 2022, enabling the appropri-ate workforce increase required for the construction of broader infra-structure,” Buenaventura said.


The total capital expenditure for the San Gabriel project is estimated to be in the range of US$400 million to US$430 million, according to the statement.