Norwegian miner receives positive results at Ethiopian asset

Photo: Akobo Minerals
Photo: Akobo Minerals

Norwegian miner Akobo Minerals has an-nounced it secured a new set of infill drilling assays from the com-pany’s Segele mine development project in Ethiopia. The results are to allow the miner to upgrade the resource classifications in the on-going resource estimate.


Akobo Minerals said in a statement that the latest infill drilling results include “136.5 g/t over 2.3m, including 580g/t over 0.5m; 114.7g/t over 13.1m, including 686g/t over 2.0m; 53.6g/t over 5.2m, including 446g/t over 0.4m; 46.6g/t over 3.0m, including 136.0 over 1m”.


“The updated resource is being built on a significantly expanded knowledge base and the resulting resource estimation will bring the company closer to its stated goal of becoming an exploration com-pany supported by small scale mining. The increased understanding of the Segele geology is a key asset to Akobo Minerals as this knowledge is being put in to use in the continued exploration around Segele,” according to the statement.


The miner says it launched its activities in Ethiopia in 2009.