Canadian miner reports positive results for gold project

Photo: Burin Gold
Photo: Burin Gold

Canada’s Burin Gold has unveiled gold assay re-sults from an initial seven holes on the miner’s 2022 programme of 10,000 metres of diamond drilling at the Hickey’s Pond–Paradise gold property. The asset is located in south-eastern Newfoundland, Canada.


“These assay results represent the first 7 holes for which assays have been received, out of a total of 22 drill holes completed to date this year,” Burin Gold said in a statement.


A total of 3,777 metres of diamond drilling has been finalised out of the miner’s previously announced 10,000-metre drill programme, ac-cording to the statement.


“We are fully funded to complete our 10,000 m program this year. Our goals are to quickly advance towards an initial mineral resource at Hickey’s Pond, and systematically test the other high-priority epither-mal targets on the property, each of which represents real discovery potential,” said David Clark, the company’s CEO.