Canadian miner posts positive test results

Photo: Benchmark Metals
Photo: Benchmark Metals

Canada’s Benchmark Metals has announce ad-vanced metallurgical laboratory test results for its Lawyers gold-silver project in the country’s British Columbia.


The performed “testwork has provided gold leach recoveries averag-ing 93%, and silver recoveries of approximately 65% from the Ame-thyst Gold Breccia (AGB) and Cliffs Creek resources. The advanced test work confirms a simple preliminary design using conventional whole rock cyanide leaching and incorporating Merrill Crowe zinc pre-cipitation to produce on-site gold and silver Dore,” the miner said in a statement.

Jim Greig, the president and director of Benchmark Metals, com-mented that the obtained “results demonstrate exceptional gold re-covery from rocks utilizing a conventional and proven method that results in pouring gold and silver Dore bars. Technical results and participation from miners like Yamana Gold in Benchmark Metals continues to validate the potential to become Canada's next major gold and silver mine.”