Miner to develop two gold projects this year

Photo: Provenance Gold
Photo: Provenance Gold

Vancouver-based miner Provenance Gold has unveiled its 2022 work plan for the company’s Eldorago and White rock gold projects, aiming to drill the two flagship properties this year.


“Provenance is finalizing exploration technical reports for Eldorado and White Rock which includes a detailed review of the geology and technical aspects of the properties to better define the geological model and provide recommendations for next steps,” the Canadian business said in a statement.


At the Eldorado project, a 20-hole, 4,000-metre drill programme is being designed with the aim to validate all the available historical drill holes, according to Provenance Gold.


Rauno Perttu, the co-founder and chairman of Provenance Gold, said that the “Eldorado and White Rock Projects represent tremendous opportunities to add significant value in the near-term and we are ex-cited to continue working towards maiden resources on both pro-jects.”