Miner approves Zambian investments

Photo: First Quantum Minerals
Photo: First Quantum Minerals

Toronto-based First Quantum Minerals has an-nounced the miner’s board of directors recently approved the S3 Ex-pansion at its Kansanshi mine and the Enterprise nickel project in Zambia.


“First Quantum has been working constructively with the Government of Zambia’s New Dawn administration as part of their efforts to reform the mining sector, attract investment and increase Zambia’s copper production. The approval of the projects reflects First Quantum’s in-creased confidence in the investment climate in Zambia,” said Tristan Pascall, the CEO of First Quantum Minerals, as quoted in a state-ment.


“The S3 Expansion and the Enterprise nickel project are a key part of our brownfield growth strategy. The Kansanshi mine has been a cor-nerstone asset for First Quantum for 15 years and the S3 Expansion will expand production and extend the mine life for another two dec-ades,” he said.


The S3 expansion project is expected to cost some US$1.25 billion, and the Enterprise nickel project a further $100 million, according to the statement.