Lithium miner advances US project

Photo: Noram Lithium
Photo: Noram Lithium

Vancouver-based Noram Lithium has unveiled the miner recently completed the Phase VI infill drill programme on its Zeus lithium project in Clayton Valley, in the U.S. state of Nevada.


The Nevada project comprises a current NI 43-101 measured and indica-ted resource estimate of some „363 million tonnes grading 923 ppm lit-hium, and an inferred resource of 827 million tonnes grading 884 ppm lithium utilizing a 400 ppm Li cut-off,” Noram Lithium said in a statement.


“This is a significant milestone for Noram,” said Sandy MacDougall, the company’s CEO and Director, “with the completion of this drilling, the in-ferred resource calculation will be confidently upgraded to the indicated category. This marks one of the final steps required to complete the Pre-feasibility Study … in the near term. While we have only received results from 2 of the 12 holes, the results supersede our expectations, and we can confidently say that a PFS superior to the PEA would not be surpri-sing.”