Miner allocates funds for Mexican investments

Photo: Starcore
Photo: Starcore

Vancouver-based Starcore International Mines has announce that the company’s Board of Directors recently ap-proved a US$2 million exploration budget for the miner’s most prolific projects.


"Firstly, Starcore has budgeted US$500,000 for El Creston, an ad-vanced moly project located in Opodepe, Sonora Mexico, where Starcore will inject US$500,000 for studies to confirm the presence of a copper porphyry at depth. The program will include surveys, ge-ophysical studies of magnetometry, and the development of new ge-ological models from existing drillhole data," Starcore International Mines said in a statement.


In addition to this, a budget of US$1 million has been allocated for the firm’s San Martin Mine concession.


The remaining "US$500,000 will be allocated towards new opportu-nities where Starcore has been invited to participate in potential joint ventures, such as the gold and silver project called California located in Durango, Mexico, a concession of 3, 211 hectares, which is part of the mineralization trend of the San Dimas District," the business said.