Miner advances Canadian gold project

Photo: Sabina Gold and Silver
Photo: Sabina Gold and Silver

Vancouver-based Sabina Gold & Silver has released an update on its advancements related to the Goose mine development at the miner’s Back River Gold District in Nunavut, Canada.


“The Goose Mine is the Company’s first mine on the 80 km long Back River Gold District, a multi-generational mining district already with a high-grade world class gold endowment,” the Canadian business said in a statement.


The first three months of 2022 brought one of the most important milestones for the miner to date, according to the statement.


“Debt, streaming and equity financings were completed with a total of over C$800 million arranged, well in excess of the requirements of the 2021 Updated Feasibility Study,” the miner said. “More im-portantly, with financing in hand, pre-construction, logistical and pro-curement activities have accelerated. In anticipation of the financing, Sabina had prepared tender documents and purchase orders which enabled the Company to quickly procure critical components neces-sary for this year’s sealift.”