Horizonte Minerals launches construction of Brazilian nickel project

Photo: Horizonte Minerals
Photo: Horizonte Minerals

London-based Horizonte Minerals has announced the company recently officially launched construction and broke ground at its flagship Araguaia nickel project in Brazil.


“A ground breaking ceremony was held on 18 May 2022. This key milestone marks the transition of the Project from development to the construction phase. This Tier 1 project has a 24-month construction timeframe with Stage 1 (first line) target production of 14,500 tpa of nickel. Araguaia will be a large high-grade, scalable, low-cost pro-ducer, with a long mine life and will be a low-carbon source of ferro-nickel,” the business said in a statement.


As of end of April 2022, the miner had awarded contracts for a total of US$204 million in relation to the project, with a further U$66 million of deals to be awarded imminently, according to the statement.