Miner advances Chilean copper project

Photo: Los Andes Copper
Photo: Los Andes Copper

Los Andes Copper has reported continued consistent positive results from the company’s recent drilling com-pleted at the Vizcachitas copper project in Chile.


The miner said in a statement that the "new results include 331 me-ters grading 0.63% Copper Equivalent (0.55 % Copper, 212 ppm Mo-lybdenum and 1.28 g/t Silver) in hole CMV 012B on the northeastern edge of the deposit where almost no prior drilling has been com-pleted. The results also include 122 meters grading 0.59% Copper Equivalent on the western edge of the deposit (0.55 % Copper, 223 ppm Molybdenum and 1.72 g/t Silver) in hole CMV 011."


"The drill results continue to show that the limits of the Vizcachitas Porphyry Copper deposit still have not been determined. On the east, west and southern areas we have yet to close-off the deposit with drilling. Our recent previously announced results of 152 meters of 1% Copper Equivalent in the south (CMV 009) and the results announced today on the western and eastern sides, show that further drilling is required to determine the full scale of the deposit," said R. Michael Jones, the CEO of Los Andes Copper.