Australian miner develops Guinea gold project

Photo: Predictive Discovery
Photo: Predictive Discovery

Australia’s Predictive Discovery says that a 60,000-metre diamond and reverse cycle drilling programme is un-derway at the company’s Bankan gold project in Guinea. This effort is expected to significantly expand and upgrade the inferred 3.65 mil-lion oz gold resource, the miner said in a statement.


"Six drill rigs currently on site with extension and infill drilling under-way at both the NE Bankan and Bankan Creek gold deposits, with an updated Resource estimate expected early Q3 2022," the Australian business said in a statement.


Predictive Discovery "expects to deliver a comprehensive Scoping Study to the Government of Guinea by the end of 2023 and is well positioned to become Guinea’s largest gold mine within five years with a clear strategy to grow the resource base and take Bankan into production," according to the statement.