Aguila Copper develops Arizona project

Photo by Aguila Copper
Photo by Aguila Copper

Progress on investment Vancouver-based Aguila Copper has announced the completion of a high-resolution magnetic and radiometric survey at its copper project, in the U.S. state of Arizona. 


The project has defined a magnetic low target with copper porphyry potential, the miner said in a statement. 


Mark Saxon, the president and CEO of Aguila, commented that the "airborne geophysical survey has proven to be very successful in mapping the geology under shallow cover at Cora. The magnetic data has highlighted a clear oval shaped low-magnetic feature, a characteristic commonly found associated with porphyry copper deposits in Arizona and elsewhere."


"The buried porphyry model is reinforced by the presence of very extensive copper oxide mineralization in holes drilled around 70 years ago. We are looking forward to testing this zone further by drilling during the upcoming field season," he said.