Miner reports positive results at Ecuadorian gold project

 photo by salazar
photo by salazar

New data obtained Canada’s Salazar Resources has announced the final results from the company’s 2,575m Los Santos exploration drilling programme in Ecuador, reporting that drilling has intersected a significant new gold zone.


A total of 13 holes were drilled, with the drilling results from four holes reported on May 31, 2022. The assays from the remaining nine holes are reported here,” the Vancouver-based miner said in a statement.


Two holes were drilled into the Fortuna target area … in the northwest of the concession and have intersected a new gold zone which starts at outcrop and extends to significant depth. Fortuna is 700 m away from the Cangrejos concession boundary and less than 2 km from the center of the Cangrejos main mineral resource,” according to Salazar Resources.


The Canadian miner says it holds a number of copper-gold exploration projects across Ecuador.