Canadian miner advances nickel-magnesium-talc project


Investment progresses Edmonton-based Green River Gold has released an update on the  company’s progress on the 2022 exploration programme at its Quesnel nickel-magnesium-talc project in Canada’s British Columbia.


Last month, Fargo Exploration conducted a geochemical survey on a total of 145 samples, including soil samples and rock chip samples, the miner said in a statement.


Perry Little, the president and chief executive of Green River Gold, said the company has “achieved the highest XRF nickel readings to date at new locations on the property and at distances up to 1,800 meters from the discovery holes. The nickel grades in excess of 0.2% are almost double the XRF results that we encountered in the original discovery holes and over 30% higher than previous assays. This is only one outcropping from a magnetic anomaly that runs for over 14 kilometers in length. We are encouraged by what we are seeing thus far.”