Gold miner advances drilling in Bulgaria


Work to expand Canadian gold exploration and development company Velocity Minerals has announced it is launching drill testing of the priority geophysical targets identified at the miner’s Iglika copper-gold project in south-east ern Bulgaria.


The Iglika property has potential for multiple mineral deposit types including copper porphyry, copper skarn, and epithermal gold.  Upcoming drilling will focus on the area surrounding the historical Iglika copper skarn … where historical exploration included 34,200 m of drilling and 1,620 m of exploration adits,” the business said in a statement. 


Drilling planned for August includes drill holes targeting near-surface epithermal gold mineralization.  Drilling proximal to the skarn will test for additional copper skarn mineralization and potential porphyry mineralization underlying the skarn.  Drill permissions were recently received from the local municipality and drilling is expected to begin in August,” according to Velocity Minerals.