Canadian miner advances Mexican investment


Drilling continues Canada’s Tocvan Ventures has announced the latest drill results from the company’s Pilar gold-silver project in Sonora, Mexico.


Seven drill holes were completed, totalling 1,382-meters. Results for the final four drill holes are highlighted in this release. All four drill holes were drilled in new areas and intersected alteration and structures known to host gold-silver mineralization at Pilar,” the Calgary-based business said in a statement.


With this latest development in mind, the Canadian miner said it is extremely encouraged by these reconnaissance results and planning is underway for the next stage of drilling at Pilar.”


“With each progressive stage of reconnaissance drilling along previously untested trends we are uncovering excellent indications that mineralization continues to the southeast and in parallel trends to our Main Zone,” said Brodie Sutherland, the company’s CEO. “All seven drill holes intersected alteration, quartz-veining and fault structures know to host significant mineralization at Pilar.”