Metso launches updated pellet optimizer

Photo: Metso
Photo: Metso

Metso is introducing a new version of the OptimusTM Pellet optimizer to further strengthen its digital offering for traveling grate iron ore pelletizing plants. OptimusTM Pellet optimizer is a digital optimizer system which runs the pellet plants at maximum profitability full automatically. The upgrade contains new embedded process intelligence that can assist plant operators make smart situational operating decisions and implement them decisions with modern advanced process control methods.

The OptimusTM Pellet optimizer leverages a highly detailed thermodynamic grate model, which is now backed by operational data. It can control basically all the relevant parts of the process, including gas fans and dampers, and indurating temperature profile, thus ensuring that the processes run at the desired operating range. Moreover, it issues advice and warnings to operators to reveal important information about process bottlenecks that may otherwise go unnoticed.

“As an advanced process control and expert system, the OptimusTM Pellet optimizer runs the pellet indurating plant automatically in the situationally best way to optimize the performance and thus the profitability of plant operation. It finds the optimal plant operating point and pursues it with advanced state-of-the-art control methods to ensure operational stability, optimal plant operation and efficiency. Our pellet plant process expertise forms the core of this unique optimizer. This functionality has been upgraded to increase the operational benefits even further,” shares Robert Schiemann, Senior R&D Manager, Ferrous and Heat Transfer at Metso.

OptimusTM Pellet is part of Metso’s exhaustive suite of digital pellet plant solutions for iron ore pelletizing plants that help improve process performance, production capacity and product quality, as well as reduce energy consumption, the environmental impact, and operation and maintenance costs. These solutions include VisioPellet™, Pallet Car Condition Monitoring System and Training simulator, among others.