Outokumpu ranked among the top 50 companies in the world on Corporate Knight’s list of Clean200

Photo: Outokumpu
Photo: Outokumpu

Outokumpu, the global leader in sustainable stainless steel, has been ranked among the top 50 companies in the world, on Corporate Knight’s List of Clean Companies – reaching also the highest place in the stainless steel industry and the Finnish companies. Outokumpu placed 33rd on the list released by Corporate Knights. The ranking rates companies capturing the green transition in full flight, cataloguing the publicly traded companies that are leading clean economy solutions and earning the most from sustainable sources. 

"As the industry's global leader, we're spearheading the green transition. Up to 95% of our production originates from recycled materials, transformed into durable, fully recyclable stainless steel. This lowers our total carbon footprint by up to 75% compared to the industry average*. By proactively transitioning to and investing in even more sustainable innovations and materials, companies can significantly empower their customers to reduce their climate impact. We're immensely proud to be positioned among the world's sustainability champions," says Johann Steiner, Executive Vice President, Sustainability, People & Communications at Outokumpu.

The Clean200 ranking was first calculated on July 1, 2016, and publicly released on August 15, 2016, by Corporate Knights and As You Sow. The current list has been updated with data through January 15, 2024. The data set is developed through assessment of a company’s revenue that aligns with the definitions laid out in the Corporate Knights Sustainable Economy Taxonomy, sourced from Corporate Knights research. To be eligible, a company must earn more than 10% of total revenues from clean sources. 

“With the right financial data, the clean economy comes in clear – and the numbers show that it’s developing momentum. Outokumpu achieved EUR 9,494 million in taxonomy-aligned, sustainable revenue – a remarkable 91% of our total revenue in 2022. We're proud of our progress and remain committed to pursuing our ambitious 1.5-degree-aligned climate targets, accelerating the green transition as an industry leader," Steiner continues.

In total, Clean200 companies earned more than $2.2 trillion in sustainable revenue in 2022, deriving on average 54.7% of their revenues from sustainable business activities, versus 13.6% for their MSCI ACWI peers. Researchers calculated company revenues using the Corporate Knights Sustainable Revenue database, which identifies the percentage of sales firms earn from sustainable economy themes such as renewable power, electric vehicles, plant protein and smart buildings. The ranking excludes firms involved in industries such as fossil fuels, deforestation, prisons, weapons and tobacco – as well as companies that engage in blocking climate policies.