Silver Range samples define high grade gold system at its Nevada project

Photo: Silver Range Resources

Silver Range Resources recently announced results of a geologic mapping, sampling and geophysical survey program conducted during April and May at the Enigma Property in Nevada, USA.

Sampling to date has defined a 1,500-metre-long corridor of discontinuous quartz veins and breccia zones hosting quartz-hematite mineralization.  Veins contain disseminated pyrite, galena and tetrahedrite predominantly weathered to limonite and goethite with rare malachite. 

Grab samples collected to date from pits, shaft dumps and an exposed cut along this trend have returned up to 73.3 g/t Au with 5 of 41 samples returning greater than 10 g/t Au, and 11 of 41 samples returning greater than 2.0 g/t Au.  Geological mapping, total magnetic field surveys and horizontal loop electromagnetic (HLEM) surveys further defined the north trending shear and fracture zone system.  To define drill targets, Silver Range intends to conduct a structurally controlled three-dimensional induced polarization (SC-3DIP) survey along the length of the structure to locate shallow vein shoots by means of their chargeability response.    


Silver Range is a precious metals prospect generator working in Nevada, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.  The company is actively seeking joint venture partners to explore the assets in its portfolio.