Gold rush emerging as the Arctic warms

The Northwest Passage in Alaska. Photo: : VickyDOC1, CC0 Creative Commons

Global warming is melting sea ice and glaciers, altering and opening up the Arctic as never before. As climate change pushes the ice a little farther north each year, it is spurring talk of a gold rush in the remote Arctic for natural resources, prized shipping routes and business opportunities in tourism and fishing. 

The Arctic, including the fabled Northwest Passage between the Atlantic and the Pacific, is among the last regions on earth to remain largely unexplored. In April, U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order to reverse Obama-era restrictions on oil drilling.

However, experts say there remain many obstacles to reaping the riches once blocked by the ice.

The U.S. Geological Survey has estimated that up to 30 percent of the world's undiscovered gas and 13 percent of oil waiting to be found are inside the Arctic Circle. Precious minerals also slumber beneath the icy surface, along with rare earth elements, lithium and cobalt, used in batteries for electric cars and handheld devices, said Morten Smelror, director of the Geological Survey of Norway.

The geography also opens up new opportunities. Sailing through the Northwest Passage could potentially cut the distance from East Asia to Western Europe by more than 6,200 miles, compared with the traditional route through the Panama Canal, offering huge fuel savings.

The battle for the Arctic is being fought by geologists and legions of lawyers.

Greenland has staked its claim to the Lomonosov Ridge beneath the Arctic Sea, which would greatly extend its rights to the sea bed for possible mining. Russia contests the claim. Russia boldly planted an underwater flag at the North Pole 10 years ago, and has been expanding infrastructure along its northern coast.

Canada contends the Arctic archipelago's waters are its internal waters, and has stepped up its presence in the region, including creating a new Arctic research center. The United States contests Canada's claim, which would give Ottawa the right to stop ships from freely traveling through the Northwest Passage.

Source: Associated Press