Triumph Gold announces 2017 exploration plans

The Freegold mountain project. Map: Triumph Gold

Triumph Gold Corp. has announced plans for the upcoming 2017 field season. Triumph intends to execute a $4 million exploration program on the Freegold Mountain property, as well as smaller reconnaissance mapping and sampling projects on Tad/Toro and Severance properties in Yukon and Andalusite Peak in northern British Columbia, Canada.

Exploration on the Freegold Mountain property will commence in late May and extend until early October. The work will include approximately 13,000 m of diamond drilling, seven line km of trenching, geological mapping, prospecting and a soil geochemistry survey.

Drilling will be focused on four areas, among them the newly discovered  Generation Zone (2,000 m).  The Generation zone is a porphyry copper gold target identified in 2016.  It consists of strongly altered granodiorite exposed over 80 meters that contains a high density of mineralized quartz +/- magnetite veins. The mineralized outcrops are centered approximately 150 meters above the modeled depth of a strong 2.9 X 1.3 km chargeability high.

Triumph Gold Corp. is a growth oriented Canadian-based precious metals exploration and development company.