West African diamond miner sells Guinean assets to Canadian group

Photo by Stellar Diamonds

Published by Jaroslaw Adamowski

Acquisition in Africa West African miner Stellar Diamonds has announced the sale of its mining assets in the Republic of Guinea to Gold Knight Ltd, a subsidiary of Canada's BDG Capital Limited.


"We are delighted to be able to bring the disposal of our Guinea assets to a close. Stellars carrying cost in Guinea is approximately US$70,000 per month and we look forward to focusing our resources exclusively on progressing the high-grade and high value 4.5 million carat Tongo-Tonguma kimberlite mine development project in Sierra Leone," Karl Smithson, the chief executive of Stellar Diamonds, said in a statement. "We wish BDG every success in taking the Guinea projects forward."


The value of the deal is $1.25 million, of which Stellar Diamonds has received $500,000 to date, according to data from the Company.