Jaxon starts to drill at Hazelton in Canada

Hazelton samples. Hazelton -formally Price Creek-, Jaxons flagship project, spans 44,482 ha and is prospective for Eskay Creek and Equity Silver style mineralization. Widespread soil anomalies and surface showings up to 3,397 g-t Ag, 12.7 g-t Au, and 22.29% Zn have been found on this advanced exploration project and a number of features suggest that the property has considerable potential. Photo: Jaxons Inc.

Jaxon Inc. is pleased to announce that it will be commencing its Phase 1, 2,000-metre diamond drilling program this week on the Max Target at its 44,000-hectare Hazelton Project in the famed Skeena Arch of northwest British Columbia, Canada.

As previously reported, the Max Target is characterised by volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) high-grade silver, zinc and lead mineralisation in sporadic outcrops over a roughly one square kilometre area.

Apex Diamond Drilling of Smithers, BC, is mobilizing this week to commence a Phase One diamond (core) drilling program on the Max Target consisting of 13 drill holes (NQ-size) totalling approximately 2,000 metres.

Drilling in the Phase 1 program will be focused primarily on geophysical targets interpreted to be associated with sulphide mineralisation. Recent channel samples believed to be related to these anomalies returned values including 6,958 g/t silver over 0.5m and 31.92% zinc over 1.0m.

Recently completed 2D and 3D Induced Polarization (IP) geophysical surveys indicate extensive high-chargeability and low-resistivity anomalies from surface to a depth of approximately 150 metres. These anomalies are interpreted to be related to sulphide-rich material.

Source: Jaxon Inc