"New Railway through Finnish Lapland good for mining"

Kolari railway station in Finnish Lapland. However, this line full fills only one third of the needed distance. Photo-Wikipedia. Credit-Matthew Ross

Finland and Norway are currently investigating the possibilities of building a railroad north, from Rovaniemi to Kirkenes. Behind this interest is the expectation of the growing ship traffic between the Far East and northern Norway along the North East Pass, writes the Helsinki newspaper HBL.

According to HBL, the sea ice has become thinner year by year, the warming of the Arctic is a fact, although ice conditions can still vary greatly and not equal every year. But the trend is clear. Drilling is easier today.

The investigation is expected to be completed by the beginning of 2018 and then you can expect an update of what the railway building would cost. In 2013, the price tag was estimated to be just over three billion euros and that the railroad will be completed by 2035 in 2035.

Finland accounts for most of the costs. Both Finnish and Norwegian, however, are optimistic about the realization of the project, which would be great opportunity for mining projects.

Even according to the project description, the railroad would also improve the possibilities for mining,. However, according to the Sami who have reindeer husbandry as main industry, including in Sevettijärvi, the railroad would mean the death of reindeer husbandry.

The trail would also be drawn through delicate arctic nature and criticism of it has been presented not only by Sami but also by environmental protection organizations.