Boliden is applying for a concession in Swedish Rävliden

Boliden trucks at Aitik mine. Photo: Boliden, Credit: Lars deWall

Boliden has submitted an application to the State for permission to break ore in Rävliden in Sweden, which is a few kilometers from the Kristineberg mine, writes the newspaper Norran.

According to the newspaper, Boliden has for several years investigated the possibility of starting to break ore in Rävliden, as Boliden sees as an extension of the Kristineberg mine rather than a brand new mine.

The census is stated to contain copper, zinc, lead, silver, and gold, and all mining is planned to take place underground.

- We hope the deposit will be an important part of extending the life of Kristineberg mine," says Klas Nilsson, information director at Boliden, to Norran.