The NTM center gives thumbs up for the Silver Mine

The construction of the Silver Mine is proceeding within the set timetable and cost framework. One important phase of the project was the roofing party of the production building. The party took place at the end of June, and it brought together about 100 people currently participating in the project. Photo: Sotkamo Silver AB

The Finnish Kainuu NTM Central (Ministry of Transport and Environment) - an authority controlled by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy - Finland issued a statement on Sotkamo Silver's environmental impact assessment on 3 July 2018. The Environmental Impact Assessment (SME) concerns the expansion of material-efficient enrichment technology for the ore at the Silver Mine.

The NTM Center considered that the description provides a sufficient overall picture of the project and its environmental impact and that SMEs have been carried out with expertise and the results obtained have been reported clearly. Additional environmental studies proposed by the coordinating authority will be concluded during the environmental permit phase.

Following the statement of the NMT center, the statutory EIA procedure ceases. The EIA report and the Coordination Authority's statement and subsequent further environmental studies will be included in the application for environmental permits.