Gas production in Ukraine increased due to the private mining companies

Gas storage facility. Photo: Creative Commons, credit: Photomat

For the first time in 5 months, average daily production of natural gas in Ukraine has increased in relation to the previous month, reaching 55.92 million cubic meters. m per day against 55.67 million cubic meters. m per day in April, according to static data of PJSC "Ukrtransgas".

The average daily production has increased due to the growth of the productivity of private companies, which in May increased natural gas production by 2.8 percent (+190 thousand cubic meters) to 11.72 million cubic meters. m / d

- Today, the recovery of activity in the market is clearly traced. Thus, according to the results of the first quarter of this year, independent gas companies set up 80 percent more wells than in the same period of 2017, - said the executive director of the Association of Gas Producers Roman Opimach.

However, Opimach said, there is a risk of a sharp cessation of growth due to the problem that the new environmental impact assessment procedure is not working, which the Ministry of the Environment is responsible for. Of the 120 applications filed by oil and gas companies for the ATS, of which 100 new records, none were satisfied.

The average daily production of JSC Ukrgazvydobuvannya, which accounts for 74 percent of all gas production in Ukraine, has decreased from 41.37 million cubic meters. m per day in April to 41.34 million cubic meters. m per day in May. Extraction of PJSC "Ukrnafta" in May increased from 2.77 million cubic meters. m / d up to 2.86 million cubic meters. m / d

In May, according to operational data, 1,733.4 million cubic meters were extracted in Ukraine. m of natural gas, which is 1.5 percent lower than May 2017 (1,759.3 million cubic meters).

Source: PJSC "Ukrtransgas"