Australian miner secures $7M for development

Photo: Felix Gold
Photo: Felix Gold

Australian miner Felix Gold has completed an initial public offering (IPO) that brought some A$10 million (US$7 million) to finance the company’s development and expansion.


The company says it is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), and its gold discovery operations are focused on the Tintina gold province in the U.S. state of Alaska.


“We are excited that Felix has now commenced its listed journey,” said Kylie Prendergast, the managing director and CEO of Felix Gold. “Our value proposition is simple – high prospectivity tenure in the world-class Fairbanks District of the Tintina Gold Province, strong cash backing post IPO and aggressive forthcoming drilling plans. We are seeking to discover Tier 1 gold deposits with the planned drilling program set to test our initial high-conviction targets across Fairbanks through until the December quarter.”


Felix Gold says the firm "has consolidated almost 400km² of highly prospective tenure with a significant landholding along the main gold trends in the +16 Moz Fairbanks Gold District."