Sotkamo Silver strengthens the organization of Silver mine

Photo: Sotkamo Silver
Photo: Sotkamo Silver

Sotkamo Silver strengthens the organization of Silver Mine with the following appointments.


Mikko Sopanen M.Sc. (Finance & Accounting) has been appointed to VP, Finance of Sotkamo Silver Oy. Mikko has earlier held positions in financial management and funding both in private equity and industry among others in Singapore and China. He moves to Sotkamo Silver from PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy where he has been working in financial management consulting. Mikko will start on 23rd of September 2019.


Max Forsman, M.Sc. (Geology & Mineralogy) has been appointed to Head of Mining and Geology. He will join the company on 7th of October 2019. Max has over twenty years’ experience from both underground and open-pit mining and exploration. Before joining Sotkamo Silver, Max worked as Head of Section at Boliden FinnEx Oy being responsible for exploration in the Outokumpu area.


Kristian Colpaert, M.Sc. (Technology) will start as Metallurgist at the concentrating plant on 1st of October 2019. His primary responsibility will be to improve and ensure the performance and development of the concentrating process. Before joining the company, Kristian has worked in process and mining industry in R&D positions, most recently at Pöyry Oy.



"After having reached full production capacity during the ramp-up phase, it is valuable that we have been able to strengthen the Silver Mine`s organisation while normal production starts. I warmly welcome the new members of our organization to Sotkamo Silver", says Timo Lindborg, CEO