Lexington Gold advances drill programme at US mining project

Photo: Lexington Gold
Photo: Lexington Gold

Bermuda-registered miner Lexington Gold has an-nounced the completion of its Phase 1 drill programme at the Jones-Key-stone-Loflin project in North Carolina in the US.


“All six holes intersected visible sulphide mineralisation, which is an en-couraging indicator of the presence of gold,” the company said in a state-ment. “Drill site rehabilitation has been completed in respect of the first four holes and is currently underway at the final two drill hole locations.”


“We are very encouraged by the amount and visible nature of the sul-phides encountered, which are historically associated with gold minerali-sation at JKL, and furthermore by the fact that sulphides were intersected in all of the core samples taken,” said Bernard Olivier, the chief executive of Lexington Gold.


Lexington Gold says it is a gold exploration and development company with projects in North and South Carolina, in the US.