Brazil Potash develops Autazes project

Photo: Brazil Potash
Photo: Brazil Potash

Potash mining company Brazil Potash is develop-ing a project in Autazes, in the country’s northern part, with the aim to end Brazil’s reliance on imports of the mineral which is used in agriculture.


The Autazes project is under development to provide between 20 and 30 percent of “Brazil’s potash demand, which is the second largest in the world, while also creating 1,200 direct jobs during installation and 1,500 during the operational phase,” a PR spokesperson for the com-pany said.


Set up in 2009 by a group of domestic and foreign investors, Brazil Potash said that, as of 2020, more than USD 180 million had been invested to develop the project. By the time the project is completed, the company's total investment in Autazes is expected to total some USD 2 billion, according to data from the Brazilian business.