UK miner to invest in Turkish gold mine

Photo: Ariana Resources
Photo: Ariana Resources

London-based miner Ariana Resources has un-veiled its recent resource drilling results obtained from the Arzu North area of the Kiziltepe mine in Turkey. The results show potential for increased production at the asset, with an additional 7,000 to 25,000 oz of gold and 150,000 to 520,000 oz of silver, up 350% compared with the previous estimate.


“Collectively these results confirm the potential to extend the Arzu North open pit both to the northwest and to the southeast,” said Kerim Sener, the managing director of Ariana Resources, as quoted in a statement. The results demonstrate “the opportunity to add a further year of mine life to the Kiziltepe operation, which would take produc-tion through to at least 2026.”


The Turkish mine is part of the Red Rabbit joint venture with Proccea Construction Company and Ozaltin Holding in which Ariana Re-sources holds a 23.5% stake through its shareholding in local firm Zenit Madencilik San. ve Tic. A.S.